10 Things In Your House That Makes You Tired

There are things in our house that make us tired but we do not know it until now because we are not aware of them.   We thought it is normal to get tired especially if we are coming from work, suffering from work-related stress or family problems. But according to some research, there are simple things in our home that makes us tired for some reason. Here are 10 of them.

There are things in our house that make us tired but we do not know it until now because we are not aware of them. 

We thought it is normal to get tired especially if we are coming from work, suffering from work-related stress or family problems. But according to some research, there are simple things in our home that makes us tired for some reason. Here are 10 of them.

1. Clutter Environment

Some of us hate cleaning and want to rest as soon as we get home from work. But according to research, this is not a good idea. According to Princeton University Neuroscience Institute Study, a messy and unorganized environment causes us more stress that increases exhaustion.

2. Blue Walls

Blue walls are good for people who want to have a good night sleep, but if you want to save your energy, stay away from these hues. A study by Travelodge investigated bedroom colors in 2,000 homes and found that blue walls help slow down your heart rate, reduce your blood pressure, and make you feel sleepy. Good for your bedroom, bad for everywhere else in your home.

3. TV and your tablet screen

Too much of watching tv or getting late with your tablet screen? You will end up tired the next day. TV and tablet screens exude blue wavelengths that suppress your brain's production of melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical that makes us feel tired and helps us fall asleep. It means when you are in too much tv or with your screen, more likely to have shorter disrupted sleep.

4. Your Coffee Maker

Coffee in the morning, yes. But make sure your coffee maker is already off when afternoon and evening comes. Caffeine is a stimulant and does increase energy, that effects wear off over time and leaves you feeling worse later.

5.Your Drinks

Alcohol might help you fall asleep faster but the quality of sleep you will get after a glass of red wine or alcohol is not good as expected. The restless night is expected and waking up is more often at night. In the next morning, you will feel exhausted and crawl out of bed is nearly impossible.

6. Your Lavender candle

A scented candle can be good in the bedroom since it smells before bed gives a sounding sleep. According to Psychologist at Wesleyan University, if you want to stay up, stick to mint or citrus scented candles during daytime and stay our lavender candle as a pre-bedtime ritual.

7. Junk food

Your favorite potato chips are loaded with simple carbs and sugar that may result in frequent blood sugar spikes that will make you feel tired over time.

8. Your Low Thermostat setting

Sixteen to 20 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature for a good sleep. So to avoid nap during the day avoid a chilly temperature inside your home and go on with your jam-packed schedule.

9. You Smart Phone

The smart phone is super addictive that making us tired during the day. According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, 20 percent of people between ages 19-29 were woken up by call, text or email at night. So, if you want your energy to be full pack in the next day, keep your smart phone away from your bed.

10. Your Drawn Curtains

People who were exposed to natural light has a better sleep at night and feel more rested the next day. Open your windows since sunlight is a good source of Vitamin D.