5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Mosquito and Dengue Free

Rainy days are here again, and when there's rain, there is mosquito everywhere and their population is rising. Mosquitos are known to be a carrier of Dengue, Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, Malaria, Filariasis and many others diseases.   But don't you know that you can prevent this with five simple tips in your home?

Rainy days are here again, and when there's rain, there is mosquito everywhere and their population is rising. Mosquitos are known to be a carrier of Dengue, Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, Malaria, Filariasis and many others diseases. 

But don't you know that you can prevent this with five simple tips in your home?

1. Plant mosquito-repelling plants in your yard

There are many plants that can prevent mosquitoes. Citronella is one. Strong smell of Basils and Marigolds can help you to have a mosquito-free home.

A few drops of Neem oil, extracted from the fruit or seeds of the neem tree on a burner is an effective and natural insecticide.

Read: 12 Plants and flowers that repels mosquitoes and other insects at home

2. Find the source

Mosquito lay eggs on cans, old tires, rotten garbage, or places with stagnant water. Find this around your home and turn it upside down. A clean surrounding can prevent breeding place of mosquitoes.

Another way is a product developed by the Department of Science and Technology in 2012. This product is a contraption that works by attracting the female mosquitoes to lay their egg on a solution-soaked stick, which kills the hatched eggs upon contact.

You can purchase this Philippine-made product by calling Czary Techno Industries at (02) 921-8978. It is also available in selected supermarkets.

3. Build a fish pond

A fish pond can be a breeding place of mosquitoes, but if you have mosquito fish in your pond, no mosquito can survive. Mosquito fish loves to eat mosquito eggs. Aside from mosquito fish, Koi fish can be another option too in dealing with your mosquito problem.

4. Install screens on windows and doors.

This is the quickest way to get rid of mosquitoes. Have your doors and windows screened to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

5. Invest in a mosquito zapper

These rechargeable appliances kill mosquitoes on contact by electrocuting them. 

The Department of Health (DOH) is always reminding the public to practice 4S to prevent dengue and other mosquito-related diseases.

The 4S means Search & destroy mosquito breeding places, use Self-protection measures, Seek early consultation for fevers lasting more than 2 days, and Say yes to fogging when there is an impending outbreak.