13 Deadly Plants You Might Have At Home

"Looks can be deceiving." This phrase is not just applicable to human or anything but also with plants or flowers. There are wide varieties of flowers that are so beautiful and colorful and seems harmless, but the reality? they have toxins that can make us ill or even kill our kids, pets or even us.  Without a doubt, real flowers and plants make our home refreshing and relaxing. But we should be very careful when choosing what to plant in our garden or what flowers we bring inside our home for interior decorating. Here are 13 common plants but deadly you might have at your home.

"Looks can be deceiving." This phrase is not just applicable to human or anything but also with plants or flowers. There are wide varieties of flowers that are so beautiful and colorful and seems harmless, but the reality? they have toxins that can make us ill or even kill our kids, pets or even us.

Without a doubt, real flowers and plants make our home refreshing and relaxing. But we should be very careful when choosing what to plant in our garden or what flowers we bring inside our home for interior decorating. Here are 13 common plants but deadly you might have at your home.

1. Daffodils

Also known as friendly flowers but be careful with the bulbs, because it is the most poisonous part. If you have a pet like a dog or a cat, think twice before planting them in your garden. Ingesting too much could cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, tremors, and cardiac arrhythmia.

2. Dieffenbachia

Popular houseplant but become deadly if ingested. It can cause your airways to swell shut that even brushing your skin it can cause burning or itching. This plan is also known dumb cane or elephant ear.

3. English Yew

This entire plant is poisonous, save for the berries, but the seeds are the most toxic of them all. The alkaloids throughout the yew can cause convulsions, paralysis and, in extreme cases, heart failure.

4. Lilies

Be careful with lilies if you have cats. These include common tiger lilies and daylilies varieties. Eating just a small amount can lead to acute kidney failure or death.

5. Foxglove

Beautiful flower with pretty colors. Seems harmless, but it's not. These bell-shaped blooms and their berries entice kids but contain a compound used for treating heart failure. Eating them is like "taking an unregulated dose of heart medicine," according to Poison Control.

6. Hydrangea

Will you believe that these popular and beautiful blossoms contain cyanide? Yes, it has. But pets and humans need to ingest quite a bit of these flower for the effect to be fatal. 

7. Oleander

Flowers in white, pink or red. But eating only a small part of this plant is enough to harm a child. Symptoms of poisoning include drowsiness, slowed heart rate and shaking. Here in the Philippines it is commonly known as Adelfa.

8. Rhododendron and Azalea

These beautiful blooms look picture-perfect peeking out over a white picket fence. But the entire plant is highly toxic — ingesting a flower, stem or leaf could lead to abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, paralysis, coma and even death.



9. Rhubarb

The garden vegetable's stems make for delicious pies, but don't try using leaves. Eating too much will shut down the kidneys, occasionally proving fatal.

10. Mistletoe

Whether this parasitic plant can cause death has been debated, but it can cause digestive problems, slowed heartbeat and hallucinogenic effects in humans in large doses, and is of particular harm to pets. It is common to see mistletoe attached in a branches of a tree or a shrub. 

11. Philodendron

Keep this flowers away from your kids and pets. According to studies, the sap from these houseplants can irritate your skin and mouth, resulting in throat swelling, breathing difficulties, burning pain and stomach upset. But severe reactions are rare.

12.Water Hemlock

These small white flowers might appear in your garden as weeds, and if you have curious pets, you should remove them. White hemlock's toxin which smells like carrot attacks the nervous system and can cause serious harm to animals and humans.

13. Wisteria

Rarely harm humans but the seeds pods are toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Common symptoms to watch are vomiting or diarrhea. Bring your pet to the vet if they develop some.